Focus: Broadcasting

SES Backs Up Sky Deutschland Channels
[Via Satellite 01-20-2017] Sky Deutschland has signed a multi-year contract extension for back-up services with MX1, a wholly owned subsidiary of SES. The contract ensures that, in case of any...
MX1’s Munich Playout center. Photo: SES
O3b Sees Rise in APAC-Contracted Capacity
[Via Satellite 01-17-2017] Palau Telecoms has increased network capacity with O3b Networks for the fifth time in less than 24 months, nearly doubling its service capacity since going live over...
O3b Graphic SES
Portugal Subscription TV Sales Spike in 2016
[Via Satellite 01-06-2016] Portugal’s subscription television signal distribution service had over 3.6 million subscribers at the end of the third quarter 2016, adding 159 thousand new customers over the space...
ANACOM headquarters