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Tim Kopra, president of OneWeb Technologies.

Former astronaut Tim Kopra has joined OneWeb Technologies as president to lead the company’s growth strategy. OneWeb Technologies, formerly TrustComm, is OneWeb’s U.S. proxy focused on serving Five Eyes governments. 

Kopra was previously vice president for Robotics and Space Operations at Canadian manufacturer MDA. He was also formerly an engineer and astronaut at NASA and has lived and worked on the International Space Station (ISS) during two spaceflights. Kopra also served in the U.S. Army for 25 years as an aviator and remains active in military affairs as a civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army for the East Texas Region. 

“I’m excited to be taking on this new role as OneWeb Technologies enters this next phase of growth. The company has a reputation for delivering excellent secure, reliable satellite communications solutions, globally, and we look forward to building new opportunities and further developing partnerships with our customers here in the U.S. and with our allies,” said Kopra.

OneWeb Technologies is led by CEO Bob Roe, formerly CEO of TrustComm. “Tim’s background in space and robotic operations, along with his vast leadership experience, make him a valuable addition to the OneWeb Technologies team,” Roe commented.

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