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ExoMars Proton

The Proton rocket used for the 2016 ExoMars mission. Photo: ESA

[Via Satellite 03-14-2016] A Russian Proton rocket launched March 14 carrying the joint Roscosmos State CorporationEuropean Space Agency (ESA) ExoMars 2016 mission. Rocket manufacturer Khrunichev reported a nominal separation of the orbital unit, comprised of the Schiaparelli landing demonstrator, and the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), approximately nine minutes into flight. ExoMars is the second Proton-M launch in 2016, and number 411 for the launch vehicle’s cumulative flight history.

To reach the Red Planet, four main engine burns are required from Proton’s Breeze-M upper stage. Following liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 10:31 Central European Time (CET), the duration of the injection is expected to total approximately 10 hours and 42 minutes.

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