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The Zenit 3SL Launch Vehicle.   Image credit: Sea Launch

The Zenit 3SL Launch Vehicle.
Image credit: Sea Launch

[Via Satellite 09-05-13] Sea Launch AG signed a launch services agreement with a proprietary customer to liftoff its spacecraft on the Sea Launch Zenit 3SL vehicle from the ocean-based Odyssey launch platform in 2016.

Sea Launch’s customer for this mission has expressed its desire to remain anonymous at the present time, consistent with its current business strategy. Sea Launch anticipates a future joint announcement with its customer when notified that the applicable business restraints have been lifted.

“This launch will continue to demonstrate the evolution of the Zenit 3SL launch system going forward. We offer our customers the reliability, flexibility and discretion required to best address their on-orbit business needs,” said Sergey Gugkaev, CEO of Sea Launch.

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