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Tags: Turkey, Satellite, Launch
Publication Date: 07/31/2013

Turkey’s Gokturk 2 satellite launches into orbit in December from China’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Turkey is looking to develop its own launch capabilities.
Image credit: Turkish Aerospace Industries
Turkey has approved construction of its first satellite-launching center to accommodate country’s growing satellite programs. However, the country’s western allies worry that Turkey intends to use its own launching pad to fire long-range missiles they hope to build in the future. In 2011, Turkey announced plans to develop a missile with a maximum range of 2,500 kilometers, not revealing whether it would be ballistic or cruise.

According to an official of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), Turkey’s procurement agency, one reason for the satellite launching system project was that Turkish planners are aiming toward a compact space program, including a national launcher.


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