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Iridium Communications contracted Ericsson Federal Inc. (EFI) to implement a new mobile softswitch solution for Iridium’s next-generation switching technology, including custom design, development, integration and maintenance for the Iridium satellite communications system, Iridium announced Oct. 19.
    The Ericsson platform will support current and future satellite communications services as well as increase the capacity of the existing Iridium network.
    Iridium said the enhanced technology would provide the operator with a major upgrade for its current infrastructure and allow for a smooth transition into Iridium Next, the company’s next-generation satellite constellation. Iridium has transitioned all commercial traffic to the new Ericsson switching technology.
    “Ericsson MSS offerings are designed to power the next-generation all-IP converged networks that will support all types of traffic and emerging services,” EFI President and CEO Doug Smith said in a statement.

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