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At the Offshore Communications 2010 opening session roundtable, Chevron IT Co. Senior Engineer Bryan Frederick was quite frank with his assessment of WiMax versus VSAT affordability. For Chevron, WiMax is slated to replace satellite VSAT connectivity in the future – continuing the conversation over whether WiMax and VSAT are enemies or friends in the oil and gas sector.
   Implementing voice, video and data communications to an offshore platform is difficult enough. Optimizing communications to a rig is even more challenging when budget factors are added to the equation. While VSAT providers would like the energy sector to view the platform as something more than just a reliable last resort, WiMax proponents continue to steer the conversation back to economics. Of course, the expensive reality of WiMax installation is seen as merely a short-term issue, with high-performance and efficiency touted as offsetting rewards.
   But, VSAT providers should highlight the fact that they already are providing these benefits minus the cost of installation. Over the past year, satellite has come through with the Ka-band infrastructure to deliver high-quality and HD video services – on of the most sought-after capabilities in the offshore industry. VSAT providers also are finding that customers are willing to pay a higher price for VSAT services since they have often met or exceeded unrealistically high expectations. Unfortunately, the platform debate continues to avoid the most important question from customers: Can WiMax and VSAT work together to provide affordability, reliability and high-performance?

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