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Developing the program for the Offshore Communication show was a group effort, as for the first time in the 10 years of the show, an advisory board of end users was involved in creating the show’s content. Executives from companies such as Halliburton, Shell and ExxonMobil worked with communications experts such as CapRock Communications and Rignet to craft a program that will serve the communications needs of the oil and gas community.

Through their combined efforts, Offshore Communications 2010 is an event that is “by the communications oil and gas community for the communications oil and gas community.”

More than 1,000 attendees will spend the next two days discussing the communications opportunities, needs and challenges facing the oil and gas sector, including sessions on WiMax solutions, global drilling, fiber, maritime broadband and “The Rig of Tommorow.” The show floor features more than 65 exhibitors with both indoor and outdoor displays, the largest number of exhibiting companies in the history of the show.

We hope you are joining us in Houston for Offshore Communications 2010, but if you cannot, make sure to read the e-daily to keep up with the latest information from sessions, the show floor and in the hallways.

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