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Hughes Communications reported 17,000 subscriber net adds in its 2009 third quarter results, a 49 percent increase over the previous year and a record for the company, Hughes announced Nov. 5.
    Subscriber growth was complemented by a 19 percent increase in services revenues over 2008 and total revenues up 12 percent at $251 million, with broadband revenues up 16 percent in the quarter.
    Hughes’ broadband revenues increased 14 percent in North America and  22 percent internationally. The only drop the company reported was its Telecom Systems revenues, down 32 percent at $29 million due to MobileSat development contracts reaching completion and the winding down of its contract with Telematics.
    The company boasts an $822 million backlog with new orders totaling $208 million. Hughes’ positive cash from operations stands at $74 million compared to $26 million in the third quarter of 2008.

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