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A Proton-M rocket with Breez-M accelerator launched the Express-AM44 and Express-MD1 satellites.

The RSCC satellite mission control then took control of the satellites. At present RSCC via its terrestrial facilities controls AM44 and MD1 movement to geostationary orbit at 11 degrees West and 80 degrees East orbital slots respectively.

The satellites are manufactured within the program of renovating the Russian state satellite communications constellation and the Russian Federal Space Program for 2006- 2015.

The first satellite of the program, Express-AM33, was successfully launched in January last year.

The new AM44 and MD1 satellites are produced taking into consideration the forecasts of satellite communications and broadcasting service development in Russia. The new spacecraft will provide Russian customers with TV and radio broadcasting services, telephony, data transmission and broadband Internet.

Implementation of the program for renovating the satellite constellation will enable RSCC to provide the Russian population, state and commercial customers with the reliable state-of the-art services in any corner of the country.

The Express-AM44 satellite, that will be placed in 11 West orbital position, was manufactured by ISS Reshetnev (Krasnoyarsk) together with the French branch of Thales Alenia Space company. The satellite is designed for providing digital TV and radio services, Internet access, data transfer, video conferencing, VSAT multi services networks deployment as well as presidential and governmental mobile communications. The Express-AM44 carrying capacity is 1265 MHz, including 10 C-band transponders (40 MHz bandwidth), 16 Ku-band transponders (54 MHz bandwidth) and 1 L-band transponder (1 MHz).

The Express-MD1 light satellite was manufactured by Khrunichev SCRPC together with the Italian branch of Thales Alenia Space company. The Express-MD1 satellite will be placed in 80 East orbital position to provide the mobile presidential and governmental communications, digital TV and radio broadcasting services, Internet access, data transfer, and video conferencing. The satellite is equipped with 8 C-band transponders (40 MHz bandwidth) and 1 L-band transponder (1 MHz bandwidth). The carrying capacity of the satellite is 321 MHz.

The Express-AM44 and MD1 launch as well as the first operational year are insured by Ingosstrakh and Sogaz insurance companies. Sberbank of the Russian Federation takes an active part in financing the program for renovating the state satellite fleet.

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