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Maritime’s Push to Net Zero Fuels a Growing Need for Connectivity
The maritime industry is going through a period of digitalization to maximize efficiencies and meet tough new regulations around carbon emissions. As ship operators adopt new digital technologies and upgrade aging fleets, the need for connectivity has never been greater. Shipping companies are now able to use AI and look at expenses and fuel usage...
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Maritime’s Push to Net Zero Fuels a Growing Need for Connectivity
Verizon Jumps Into Satellite-to-Cell Market With AST SpaceMobile 
AST SpaceMobile just added a second major mobile network operator (MNO) partner in the U.S. — announcing a $100 million deal with Verizon on Wednesday. Verizon is now a strategic partner of AST SpaceMobile, making a $100 million commitment for satellite direct-to-cellular service for its customers.  This is Verizon’s first move in terms of satellite-to-cell...
Verizon Jumps Into Satellite-to-Cell Market With AST SpaceMobile 
The Clock is Ticking: UK Launch Sector is Ready to Lift Off
August 2024 could mark one of the most important points in the United Kingdom’s space history, with plans underway for the first vertical launch from U.K. soil. If the launch goes as planned, it will make headlines beyond the space industry and beyond the U.K. After Virgin Orbit’s high-profile air-launch failure in 2023, the stakes...
The Clock is Ticking: UK Launch Sector is Ready to Lift Off
China's Push for a More Commercial Space Industry
China’s progress in space exploration and technology has been rattling U.S. defense and NASA experts for years. From the threat of space weapons to the risk of appropriating the moon, China is a force to be reckoned with. However, China’s efforts to foster an innovative, disruptive commercial space industry have so far rendered lukewarm results,...
China's Push for a More Commercial Space Industry
Buy Versus Build: Will New Commercial Space Strategies Shift DoD Decisions?
“Exploit what we have, buy what we can, build what we must.” While this has been the message of U.S. Space Force leadership over the past few years, many agree that it hasn’t necessarily been the practice. Two new strategies released this spring — the Department of Defense Commercial Space Integration Strategy and the Space Force Commercial Space...
Buy Versus Build: Will New Commercial Space Strategies Shift DoD Decisions?
What Does Selling Your Ground Stations Mean for Cybersecurity?
On May 3, Bloomberg reported that Eutelsat Group is exploring options to sell its ground station network, which is said to be valued at over $850 million. Eutelsat is said to be working with consultants to find a buyer for the ground network. This may stem from the fact that infrastructure investment groups may have expressed...
What Does Selling Your Ground Stations Mean for Cybersecurity?
A Guide to the Latest Trends in Policy and Innovation in Space Defense
For some, the renewed focus on defense in the space sector is a concerning trend. But for others, it’s a big opportunity. There is no shortage of new space companies entering the sphere with commercial and defense offerings, each seeking to keep up with historical players who have long played the dual game. In turn,...
A Guide to the Latest Trends in Policy and Innovation in Space Defense
Delivering Connectivity for All, via SES’s Multi-Orbit Network
One click to buy something online, watch a video, get the latest game score, or news update. A few more clicks and a complex spreadsheet can be sent to a colleague and will reach its destination in seconds. Another click and you can join an online video meeting with coworkers in another country. Dream or...
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Delivering Connectivity for All, via SES’s Multi-Orbit Network
How Planet Works with Partners to Accelerate its Impact With CFO Ashley Johnson
In this episode, we’re joined by Ashley Johnson, Planet CFO and president for a conversation about how satellite data contributes to transparency for peace and security, and how Planet works with partners to accelerate the impact of its data.  Ashley shares the successes of some specific partnerships that deal with reducing tropical forest loss and...
How Planet Works with Partners to Accelerate its Impact With CFO Ashley Johnson