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Satellite Today Daily News Feed

Steve Oldham, SSL, on the Future of Satellite Servicing

Via Satellite sat down with Oldham to talk about satellite servicing and how SSL plans to position itself in this market in the coming months...
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Comtech Receives $1.4 Million Contract for Satcom Uplink Subsystems

Comtech Telecommunications announced that during its second quarter of fiscal 2017, its Santa Clara, California-based subsidiary, Comtech Xicom Technology, which is part of Comtech’s commercial solutions segment, received a contract…
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Rocket Lab Delivers Electron to Launch Complex

Rocket Lab has delivered its first Electron vehicle to Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1, marking the beginning of pre-flight checkouts. The rocket was trucked to the Mahia Peninsula from Rocket…
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Iridium Selects Target Date for Second Launch of Iridium Next

Iridium Communications has announced a targeted launch date of mid-June for the second mission of 10 Iridium Next satellites. Originally anticipated for mid-April 2017, the date has shifted due to a…
Hughes Completes In-Orbit Testing of EchoStar 19

Hughes Network Systems has announced the successful completion of in-orbit testing and handover of Ka-band High-Throughput Satellite (HTS) EchoStar 19 from manufacturer Space Systems Loral (SSL). Placed into geostationary orbit…
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