Dish Holds Discussions With Google for Possible Wireless Network Partnership November 16, 2012 Google and Dish Network Corp. are discussing the possibility of a partnership to offer a new wireless services that would compete with that of AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless.
Mars Satellite Resumes Operations With Back-Up System November 16, 2012 NASA’s Mars Odyssey orbiter resumed duty after switching to a back-up system for the first time in its 11 years of operations.
Australia to Expand Broadband Services With Ten New Satellite Ground Stations November 16, 2012 Australia will build a new satellite ground station to expand National Broadband Network (NBN) services.
Satellite Images Used to Measure Hurricane Sandy's Pollution Impact November 16, 2012 Satellite imagery is playing an important role to understanding the long-term pollution effects of the storm
MEXSAT Ready for First Launch November 15, 2012 The new Mexican satellite system is ready for its scheduled liftoff on Dec. 19.
U.S. to Host Space Radar in Australia November 15, 2012 Relationship between the United States and Australia grow stronger with new plans of hosting an advanced space radar that helps track orbital debris
NASA's Satellite Made from Smartphones Wins Popular Science Award November 15, 2012 NASA's PhoneSat project received the Innovation in Aerospace 2012 Popular Science's Best of What's New Award.
Satellite Images Indicate North Korea Working on Missiles Again November 14, 2012 At least two liquid-fueld large-rocket engine tests have been performed in North Korea, ignoring international pressures.
Clock is Ticking for South Korea's Satellite Launch November 14, 2012 South Korea depends on Russia for successfully launching satellite in 10 days.
Russia Regains Communications With ISS and Satellites November 14, 2012 A broken cable caused Roscosmos to lose communications with civilian satellites and the International Space Station