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Space ISAC Broadens its Reach into Australia

By Mark Holmes | June 26, 2024

      Via Satellite/Freepik illustration

      The Space Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Space ISAC) continues to make its presence felt in markets worldwide. It has signed a new MoU with the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre (Aus3C) as it looks to foster a global approach towards space cybersecurity. Space ISAC announced the agreement on June 26.

      The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre is dedicated to building cyber capacity and securing Australia’s digital landscape. Aus3C envisions a future where cyber resilience is accessible, affordable, and achievable across the Australian economy, empowering every organization to confidently navigate the digital realm. This mission aligns with Space ISAC’s goal of enhancing the cybersecurity of space systems through collaboration and information sharing.

      This partnership will leverage advanced tools, capabilities, and expertise from both organizations to address critical challenges and foster growth within the space-cyber sector.

      “This exciting new partnership is a perfect synergy, enabling collaboration with one of the leading organizations in an emerging and critical area – the space-cyber ecosystem. We are already developing initiatives to link our world class Cyber Range with the Space ISAC’s Watch Centre to unlock value and enhance our contribution to the growing space-cyber sector here in Australia,”Matt Salier, CEO of Aus3C said in a statement.