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SES Cloud Playout Service for video. Photo: SES

SES is seeing encouraging take-up of its cloud-based services. The operator announced Sept. 15 that since the first quarter of this year, more than 60 channels have adopted SES’s cloud infrastructure. This trend is showing an increasing number of broadcasters and channel operators worldwide adopting SES’s Cloud Playout service to better manage their linear TV channels and content assets. Channels from Africa, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are among the 60 channels that have moved to a more cloud-based approach.

SES’s Cloud Playout enables TV broadcasters and channel operators the ability to prepare TV content for broadcast in a matter of minutes regardless of where they are since there is no need for on-premise hardware.

“At SES, we believe the cloud can maximize opportunities for growth with an inherently flexible and highly scalable broadcasting solution, enabling our customers to focus on attracting new audiences and create engaging content,” Yvonne Bertalot, director of Broadcasters Segment Market Management at SES, said in a statement.

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