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Ceres Tag livestock monitoring product. Photo via @ceres_tag Instagram

Globalstar has signed an agreement to supply satellite services to Ceres Tag, a direct-to-satellite animal tracking platform. The Ceres Tag is a smart ear tag that weighs just over one ounce, that attaches to the animal and automatically sends the data to the cloud via the Globalstar Satellite Network. 

Ceres Tag said this relationship with Globalstar allows it to supply an automated daily recording of animals including pasture feed intake. It is a low cost, scalable, plug and play option for ranchers designed to produce better performing animals at a greater profit.

Globalstar David Kagan said animal monitoring is an area in which Globalstar sees significant future growth: “We saw an immediate match between Globalstar and Ceres Tag to deliver this unique monitoring capability to over 80% of the world’s livestock that are located in remote locations where there is no infrastructure and where you may only see the animals once or twice a year,” he commented.

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