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Artistic rendering of O3b's MEO satellite constellation

Artistic rendering of O3b’s MEO satellite constellation. Photo Credit: O3b Networks

CETel signed another contract to deliver fiber-like connectivity into Africa utilizing O3b‘s Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite constellation. The long-term contract supports an African communications and technology solutions provider to further expand its network across Africa. The contract will serve various vertical markets such as mining, corporate, construction, telco, and government. Low-latency was a factor in the decision for the MEO solution.

After connecting multiple sites, CETel is further expanding its operational MEO coverage to span the African continent. “CETel is very happy to welcome a new MEO customer and service,” said CETel Managing Director Guido Neumann. “It is mandatory that Geostationary Orbit (GEO), MEO, or fiber solutions be evaluated in case-by-case scenarios. We still see an increasing demand for all available and upcoming communications solutions with all their different characteristics and advantages.”

CETel aims to work toward a connected world providing global hybrid networks consisting of GEO, MEO, and fiber architectures.

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