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YahSat Yahclick

Artist’s rendition of Yahclick. Photo YahSat

YahClick, the satellite broadband service of satellite operator Yahsat, officially launched in Zimbabwe. The service was unveiled during a press conference in the country’s capital, Harare, where the company also announced its partnership with official service partner, Utande, a subsidiary of Dandemutande Investments.

YahClick aims to bring customers in Zimbabwe better access to affordable, uninterrupted, high-speed broadband connectivity. YahClick uses the Ka-band powered by High Throughput Satellite (HTS) spot beam technology, allowing Yahsat to deliver satellite broadband services via smaller dishes. This significantly reduces the Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) required to build satellite-based connectivity infrastructure.

“Yahsat is the first operator to introduce Ka-band satellite broadband in Africa, and as the leaders within this domain, we aim to continuously increase YahClick’s adoption across the continent. We strongly believe that high-speed, reliable broadband connectivity is one of the key facilitators of economic and social progress for African nations,” said Yahsat Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Farhad Khan.

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