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Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Image credit: dacowi/Wikipedia

Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Image credit: dacowi/Wikipedia

Growing demand for broadband has prompted The Office des Postes et Telecommunications of French Polynesia (OPT) to deliver enhnced mobile broadband and internet services to residents across the French Polynesian territory through a new partnership with SES Networks.

Under the new agreement, OPT will access the NSS-9 satellite’s C-band coverage to reach the Polynesian archipelago of 118 islands in the South Pacific and beyond. This will enable OPT and its fully-owned subsidiary, VINI, to grow their network to meet consumers’ and businesses’ fast-growing connectivity needs, and provide new and enhanced user experiences and services.

“Today, mobile broadband and internet connectivity demands from residents and businesses are growing faster than ever. NSS-9 offers reliable coverage and a wide footprint spanning the Pacific Ocean — a perfect complement to our terrestrial infrastructure, as we expand our network to provide new and enhanced services that people need,” said Tehina Thuret, telecommunications chief executive at OPT.

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