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CBC headquarters in Ottawa, Canada. Photo: CBC.

CBC headquarters in Ottawa, Canada. Photo: CBC.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)/Radio-Canada has contracted Hunter Communications to provide satellite space segment services. Using its Ku-band beam that Hunter designed to service Canada and specifically its far north, Hunter will provide CBC/Radio-Canada with more transmission throughput and the ability to use smaller antennas that are easier to move to remote transmission sites.

CBC/Radio-Canada broadcast signals and bi-directional IP communication services will be carried on the 54 MHz Ku-band and 36 MHz C-band capacity they have contracted. The satellite service will complement CBC’s terrestrial fiber network, the company stated.

The long-term agreement officially began this month, but dual-illumination and transition has been ongoing since September 2017 while CBC/Radio-Canada re-points nearly 800 antennas across Canada to take advantage of the new capacity.

“For the CBC/Radio-Canada, this agreement represents their commitment to using the latest satellite technology, and just as importantly shows their dedicated focus on driving down their cost structure. Both are critical to their focus in serving the Canadian public.  For Hunter, this agreement is strategic in developing a video content neighborhood on our satellite beginning with several hundred cable head-ends,” said Hunter Communications President Brent Perrott.

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