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BBC London offices. Photo: Mike Heneghan-available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.
[Via Satellite 04-15-2016] BBC World News, a leading global news TV channel, has renewed and expanded its contract with Intelsat to use multiple video neighborhoods and the IntelsatOne terrestrial network for the distribution of Standard Definition (SD) and High Definition (HD) content across several continents. Under the multi-year agreement, BBC World News will be delivered to millions of viewers in the Americas and Asia from Intelsat’s Galaxy 13, Intelsat 19, Intelsat 20 and Intelsat 21 satellites.
Intelsat’s Galaxy 13 satellite at 127 degrees west will reach cable distribution neighborhoods in North America, and Intelsat 21 at 302 degrees east will reach a Latin American cable distribution neighborhood with the highest cable head-end penetration on the continent.
The satellite Intelsat 19 at 166 degrees east will reach a Pacific Rim cable distribution neighborhood and South Pacific Direct-to-Home (DTH) platform, while Intelsat 20 at 68.5 degrees east will distribute the BBC World News to a cable, DTH and transcontinental hotspot from Europe to East Asia and India.
BBC World News will use the IntelsatOne terrestrial network for uplink services. IntelsatOne will also provide dual and geographically diverse fiber routing from the BBC World News playout facilities. The terrestrial network is comprised of more than 36,000 miles of leased fiber and eight teleports around the globe.
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