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[Via Satellite 09-24-13] Hughes Network Systems has qualified C-Com Satellite Systems’ new generation iNetVu Ku 981 antenna system for use with its Hughes HN/HX Systems.
The iNetVu 981 mobile antenna is one of the new generations of auto-pointing antenna terminals that C-Com started manufacturing last year. The Hughes certification will allow the new antenna to be deployed on all networks around the world that use Hughes HN/HX Systems satellite equipment.
“This certification will further expand the addressable market for mobility services globally for both companies,” said Arunas Slekys, vice president of corporate marketing and general manager, Russia/CIS region at Hughes “building upon the success to date of our platforms in over 18 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Chile, Colombia, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, Kenya, Angola, Nigeria, Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, Malaysia, India, Japan, and Vietnam.”
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