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[Satellite TODAY 08-06-13] Level 3 Communications has signed an agreement to provide a North American satellite gateway for O3b Networks. Under the contract, Level 3 will provide transport services via a satellite gateway, which will allow O3b to link its Gigabit IP network connectivity and bandwidth services to customers located in the U.S., Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico region.

      O3b delivers broadband connectivity everywhere on Earth within 45 degrees of latitude north and south of the Equator. The company focuses on emerging and insufficiently connected markets in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific.

“Level 3 gives us the infrastructure we need to provide low latency, high-speed IP services to underserved and remote areas,” said Chris Schram, EVP operations for O3b Networks. “With the help of Level 3’s secure, reliable transport, O3b is building a global system that delivers the high quality connectivity enjoyed by major world capitals to the underserved and unconnected.”

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