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Tags: Iraq, Satellite TV, Middle East
Publication Date: 04/29/2013

Al Jazeera van.
Image credit: Piotr Drabik

Iraq has accused 10 satellite channels, including Al Jazeera, of airing "misleading and exaggerated" coverage of recent fighting and "promoting violence." While the country has suspended the licenses of these 10 networks, it will not be able to cut the broadcasts of the channels, which are based abroad. However, Iraq’s media commission will prohibit journalists from these channels from reporting from inside Iraq.

Iraq’s move has been perceived as a crackdown on dissent by the Shiite-dominated government on a growing Sunni uprising since, according to reports, nine of the affected 10 channels have Sunni financial backers, and most have aired heavy coverage of the Sunni protest movement that started almost a week ago and has claimed the life of more than 200 people.

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