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[Satellite TODAY 02-20-13] Satellite broadcast television continued to expand its household reach in Germany during 2012, with approximately 18 million households receiving their TV directly from a satellite source by the end of the year, representing a 3 percent increase, or 524,000 households, from the end of 2011, according to a study commissioned by satellite operator SES and published Feb. 20.

   The SES study titled, “Astra TV Monitor 2012,” was based on 6,000 interviews in Germany. SES said the results were driven by continued strong consumer demand for satellite TV’s large program offer and quality of service, especially in high definition (HD) and that the growth of satellite TV’s German market presence comes despite the nation’s analog satellite signal switch-off in April 2012.
   SES Managing Director of Astra Deutschland Wolfgang Elsaesser stated that the study reveals an understanding among German video subscribers that satellite is the most attractive reception mode and TV infrastructure available in the national market.
   “Our Astra TV Monitor shows that the interest of households in HD remains strong and will further drive the demand for hardware and content in the highest broadcasting quality,” Elsaesser said in the report. “We will continue to invest in growth and technological innovation, and HD will continue to drive our success and that of the hardware industry, retailers and broadcasters.” 
   The study’s data shows that satellite further developed its position as the infrastructure of choice for TV reception in Germany, serving 47 percent of all TV households in 2012. German cable providers reached a share of 44 percent, which marks a decline by 570,000 households, or 3 percent, compared to the previous year for a total of16.7 million households. Satellite digital TV services reached a record level of 59 percent of all digital TV households, versus German cable’s 30 percent market share in 2012.
   After German digital terrestrial reception posted a decline in 2011, the platform grew its subscriber base by 220,000 in 2012 to reach 2.05 million households by the end of the year. German IP TV services remained virtually unchanged year-over-year at 1.26 million households, representing a gain of only 10,000 subscribers. 
German HD TV continued to be the main growth driver of satellite’s technical household reach. According to the study, approximately 44 percent of all satellite households, or 7.9 million, watched HD at the end of the year, nearly two million more than in 2012. Cable grew its HD presence by 1.27 million to 4.53 million households, reaching 27 percent of all cable households. In total, the number of HD households in Germany increased from 10.0 million in 2011 to 13.1 million in 2012. 
Elsaesser said that the gap of 1.4 million households compared to cable exceeded SES’ most optimistic forecasts. “The excellent performance of HD plus reflects very well the high consumer demand for premium quality television and consumers’ willingness to pay a supplement for a value-adding service,” he said.  

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