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[Satellite TODAY 02-12-13] African communications technology provider BringCom and local Djibouti partners have established a new private company, Djibouti Teleport SARL, to revitalize and manage the daily operations of the Djibouti Teleport facility.
BringCom becomes the managing partner of Djibouti Teleport under the agreement, which includes upgrades to the Djibouti Teleport with new buildings, backup power, security hardware and an iDirect hub to create a first-class teleport facility serving the African region.
Djibouti Teleport will also provide competitive international connectivity through five large-capacity undersea cable systems connected to the facility. BringCom has assigned trained teleport technicians to assist the experienced Djibouti Teleport staff in providing round-the-clock teleport services.
“This agreement is a significant extension of BringCom’s capabilities to serve the requirements of customers in the Middle East and Africa,” BringCom President and CEO Fabrice Langreney said in a statement. “We are very fortunate to work with an extremely forward-looking group of Djiboutian shareholders. This relationship will allow us to revitalize the Djibouti Teleport in a way that makes it well-suited to a great number of potential users.”
Djibouti Teleport currently provides Apstar 7 Ku-band connectivity with a 7.3-meter antenna and C-band connectivity with a 16-meter antenna. Both antennas have been refurbished and upgraded with new electronics. Additional antennas and equipment are currently being installed and should be available shortly.
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