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[Satellite TODAY 01-15-13] XipLink and Vitacom have successfully deployed XipLink XA appliances for various satellite service customers in Africa and Latin America, the companies announced Jan. 15.
The new optimized services aim to provide higher capacity to Vitacom via SCPS TCP Acceleration plus integrated X1/X2 streaming compression, while also delivering faster refresh rates to the end user community for a better quality-of-experience.
XipLink said much of the technical solution was certified in advance with extensive testing completed at Romantis for the TDMA network and at Datum Systems for the SCPC devices.
“Thus, the XipLink appliances installed quickly into the production networks with immediate positive results,” Vitacom President Bruce Bell said in a statement. “The XipLink technology has dramatically improved our ability to deliver world class services while differentiating our solutions against generic VSAT service providers. Further, we achieve a double benefit since our effective bandwidth is higher without requiring additional capacity purchases while, simultaneously, Vitacom customers achieve significant improvements to their response times.”
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