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[Satellite TODAY 01-10-13] Thai satellite operator Thaicom has accelerated its plans to launch the Thaicom 8 satellite, also known as Ipstar 2, to meet demand, the company confirmed Jan. 10.
The 440-transponder, $200 million broadband satellite will now be launched in early 2016 and be positioned at the 119.5 degrees East orbital slot.
Thaicom CEO Suthumpun Suphajee said the accelerated schedule was enacted to accommodate the greater use of Ipstar 1, which reached half of its capacity after the company signed a contract with China Telecom’s satellite unit.
“Our feasibility plan involving satellite categories and investment options for Ipstar 2 will be completed by June, with the planned launch of the new satellite in the next three years,” Suphajee told the Bangkok Post.
Thaicom is also preparing to launch its Thaicom 6 satellite by the middle of this year.
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