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[Satellite TODAY 05-08-12] ASC Signal has been selected to provide a significant number of Ka-band antennas to an unnamed group of European major satellite operators to ensure uptime in distributing pay-TV channels to the region’s satellite subscribers, the company announced May 7.

   ASC Signal will deliver multiple Ka-band gateway antennas that provide advanced pointing accuracy and reliability and feature sub-reflector tracking (SRT) technology.
   ASC Signal President and CEO Keith Buckley said he hopes the latest installation would extend his company’s relationships with major international satellite operators in the commercial sector.

   “Many of the world’s largest commercial satellite networks and operators rely upon ASC’s advanced Ka-band technology. Our Ka-band and multi-band systems that include Ka-band have been operating in teleports, remote sites and transportable locations across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas for nearly a decade,” Buckley said in a statement.

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