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The Mobile content and applications (MCA) market influences $80 billion of mobile spending, according to a research report from global telecommunications, media and IT adviser Analysys Mason.
    In the report, Analysys Mason Principal Analyst Jim Morrish estimates that $27 billion in annual voice, SMS and data revenue will generate from subscribers that are likely to switch between mobile operators on the basis of an overall MCA proposition.
    “The total value of rich content belies the total value of a rich content proposition. We estimate that a mobile network operator in a developed market that has a 35 percent market share of subscribers would lose 4 percent of its market share over the following five years if it halted investment in its MCA proposition.”
    The report also states that total revenue impact of halting investment in MCA will be in excess of nine times the loss of direct MCA revenue due to the indirect revenue effects of losing market share and corresponding voice, SMS and other data service revenue. “It is clear that investing to maintain a competitive MCA portfolio is significantly more important to MNOs than direct revenue suggests,” the report said.

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