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[Satellite TODAY 09-03-10] Communications, connectivity, and content services provider MTN Satellite has released StreamXcel Plus, an integrated hardware and software solution for managing shipboard satellite communications, the company announced Sept. 2.
Supported by MTN’s Ku-band satellite coverage, StreamXcel Plus aims to provide a suite of tools permitting vessel owners to optimize their ship’s satellite voice and data traffic while minimizing costs. The product also features automatic switching capabilities to support Inmarsat FleetBroadband whenever vessels move outside MTN’s Ku-band range.
StreamXcel Plus operates on a network that includes two voice lines, data and Internet access over VSAT with FleetBroadband as a backup communications system. StreamXcel Plus also provides VSAT bandwidth data compression and optimization.
“We are introducing StreamXcel Plus to meet the emerging requirements for greater integration of shipboard and shoreside communication and IT networks, as well as improved crew morale services. We can now provide a cost-effective solution that combines both VSAT and FleetBroadband voice and data to create a complete, optimized communications network,” MTN Senior Vice President Bradford Briggs said in a statement.
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