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[Satellite TODAY 09-03-10] Diversified Communications Inc. (DCI) has enhanced its ScheduLink product with the addition of an Enterprise Resource Management Application (ERMA) from ScheduAll to support connectivity between DCI’s broadcast customers using ScheduAll technology, DCI announced Sept. 2.
    ERMA aims to provide DCI with the ability to publish inventory directly to its customer’s ScheduAll system, allowing them to reduce double-entry and eliminating the need for multiple systems to book services and receive up-to-the-minute data on availability.
    “The addition of ERMA is a clear advantage over conventional methods in how we can better meet the needs of our customers. Direct interconnectivity offers additional assurances by delivering real-time visibility and slicing workload relevant to queries or data entry, which reduces potential errors and expenses,” DCI CFO Michael Grams said in a statement.
     DCI supports customers through using its mobile HD, satellite newsgathering and flyaway services through a 23-antenna C-, Ku- and Ka-band teleport in Washington, D.C.

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