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The advent of the Internet age and the ability to deliver and view content anytime, anywhere has not had a positive effect on revenues. At least one generation of customers has developed the mindset that content should be available on-demand — and free, so more than ever, the focus of many companies on the exhibit floor has been demonstrating to existing and potential customers how to reverse this situation and more effectively capture revenue from content delivered to various platforms, especially the growing market for content to portable devices.

Companies on the delivery side continue to move away from the commodities aspect of simply providing bandwidth or hardware and want to establish long-term service relationships with content providers. One helps brand its service by selling the idea of “ensuring” that a customer’s content delivery is “desired, works and profitable.”

The content providers need to look at more effective security, and security providers are rethinking their service model as well. With a wide variety of devices on the market that can ingest content, the era of the hardware security device, or smart card, may be on the wane. To protect revenue streams in today’s market, content producers will need to have effective software security solutions that can be protect their investments regardless of user device.

While capturing revenue is the undercurrent of every communications and broadcasting show, the discussions are in the open more than ever in 2010 as the industry tries to halt a revenue slide and possibly reverse the curve.

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