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[Satellite TODAY 12-24-09] The European Satellite Operators’ Association (ESOA) expressed approval of the European Union’s (EU) Telecoms Reform Package in a statement released Dec. 23.
    The package, proposed by EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding in 2007, passed in November and become law Dec. 18.
    Romain Bausch, chairman of ESOA and CEO of SES, voiced praise for the regulations. “The references in the reformed package to the international framework set by the [International Telecommunication Union] and the exemptions to technology neutrality are both vital to ensure that those services are protected against interference, and that users can continue to enjoy a decent quality of service. These aspects are crucial to the long-term business of the sector,” he said in a statement.
    The ESOA said it will monitor the establishment of the European Body of Telecoms’ Regulators, scheduled for spring, as mandated in the reform package. Complete implementation of the package in the 27 EU member states is scheduled to take place by May 2011.

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