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[Satellite Today 06-09-09] BBC Worldwide signed a distribution deal with GlobeCast for delivery of international channel BBC Prime, Globecast announced June 8.
    The channel will be distributed via GlobeCast’s second transponder on Eutelsat’s Eurobird 9A satellite. The spacecraft, located at 9 degrees East, provides direct-to-home coverage of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, with the potential to reach more than 300 million TV households. 
    GlobeCast receives the BBC Prime feed via fiber at its central London Technical Operations Centre and sends it via fiber to its Brookmans Park facility where it is uplinked to Eurobird 9A.
    BBC Prime previously was delivered through Hot Bird. Eutelsat has provided BBC Worldwide and Globecast more than 600 ClipSat devices to distribute to cable and direct-to-home operators that will enable them to access both Eurobird 9A and Hot Bird from a standard dish.

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