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[Satellite News 04-29-09] SES Americom has added six high-definition (HD) channels from MTV networks to its HD-Prime distribution platform, bringing the total number of HD channels delivered by SES platforms to 136 and demonstrating that the HD business is “now real, broad and deep,” Bryan McGuirk, senior vice president of media services for SES Americom-New Skies, told Satellite News.
    McGuirk discussed the status of the HD business and future technology advancements and revenue drivers in the sector with Via Satellite’s NAB Show Daily.

Satellite News: What finally is driving network operators to move to HD for their broadcasts?

McGuirk: Now you have to go HD or be considered boutique. There is now a race for breadth and depth across the industry. If you’re not broadcasting in HD, you’re starting to lose viewers.

Satellite News: What is the next step in HD broadcasting?

McGuirk: Audiences are expecting even more, and 1080p60 is the next thing up. It’s twice the lines and twice the bits of 1080p, and its twice the resolution.

Satellite News: What will the move to 1080p60 broadcasters to do?

McGuirk: 3D HD will be the next big move. It involves two cameras filming at 1080p60. We were involved with a 3D episode of “Chuck” that was broadcast after the Super Bowl, and there have been 3D events such as the broadcasts of the BCS (U.S. college football) Championship game and performances of the Met broadcasts to theaters around the country. This will be a way to fill underutilized theaters.

Satellite News: What will it take for efficient broadcasting of these signals via satellite?

McGuirk: There have been times we’ve had to worry about compression. Now it’s a plus and gives us an opportunity to do this.

Satellite News: What is the state of HD broadcasting in the satellite newsgathering sector?

McGuirk: Newsgathering in HD is a growth area. In general, news organizations will make upgrades to their equipment every four years. First they move to HD in the studio, and then in the next round they upgrade their newsgathering operations. We saw that with the national organizations, and now we’re seeing it with the local ones.

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