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[Satellite Today 10-16-08] Panasonic Avionics Corp. awarded a contract to EMS Technologies Inc. for antennas for Panasonic’s eXConnect inflight broadband system, EMS announced Oct. 15.
    Under the agreement, EMS Technologies’ Defense & Space Systems Division will provide the AURA-LE Ku-band antenna, developed collaboratively by Panasonic and EMS. Panasonic eXConnect is designed to provide two-way broadband connectivity for passenger and crew applications.
    “Airlines are looking for solutions to deliver full-featured broadband Internet and entertainment services to their passengers that are lower weight, lower cost and better aligned with their business models,” Paul Domorski, president and CEO, EMS, said in a statement. “This collaboration represents a global connectivity solution that delivers the economics and performance airlines need to make in-flight communications both viable and profitable.”

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