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[Satellite Today 10-06-08] Eutelsat is making progress with its consumer satellite broadband service in Spain.
    The operator said Oct. 3. that Telecable is initiating deployment of the Tooway satellite broadband service in Asturias (a region in northern Spain). With this agreement between Skylogic and TeleCable, a provider of cable and Internet services in Asturias, up to 6,000 Tooway terminals will be deployed throughout the region in order to deliver broadband to homes located in non-served ADSL areas. The initial contract between Telecable and Eutelsat was signed in July.
    “We are delighted to start commercialization of Tooway in Spain with our agreement with TeleCable for the Asturias region,” Arduino Patacchini, CEO of Skylogic and multimedia director of Eutelsat, said in a statement. “This confirms the validity of choosing the Ka-band for broadband applications, which is the only solution capable of offering performance and prices for consumer satellite broadband that is comparable to terrestrial broadband services.”

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