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After four days at IBC, I’ve reached my limit on flat panel TVs, content monitoring systems, mobile TV standards and walking, and I’m sure the thousands of others attendees can add to this list. But while I’m suffering from technology overload, it’s hard not to be impressed by the displays and demonstrations.
    Hardware and software providers are responding to the challenges made by consumers, developing technology that allows broadcasters to deliver content to headends, homes, mobile systems or just about any device through any number of delivery pipelines. The hybrid delivery network is here and only will become more common in the future. “Satellite is good, but it’s better if you can combine satellite and something else” for delivery, said one attendee.
     The amount of automation being introduced also continues to advance at an amazing rate. The number of personnel required to oversee the operations of these various systems is dropping, with some points of the network delivery system no longer requiring constant human attention — and in some cases being able to operate for long periods of time without any intervention at all.
     All of these advancements are required to meet the needs of today’s content consumer, and it’s unfortunate that the vast majority of these end customers most likely never will visit IBC and come to appreciate all these efforts.

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