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ND SatCom introduced an advanced version of its RCU 5000 (redundancy control unit) that supports VSAT as well as mobile and fixed uplink station configurations for broadcast applications.
      The 2RU component is designed for controlling the whole uplink chain including modulator, upconverter and high power amplifiers. In networks based on ND SatCom’s VSAT platforms, SkyWAN and SkyARCS, the RCU 5000 controls the redundancy switching of indoor units and the RFT 5000 (radio frequency transmitter).
      ND SatCom said that as a result of customer feedback, it equipped the RCU 5000 with redundant power supplies, which provides a highest level of reliability. The redundancy controller reportedly contains RF inhibit functionality and manages up to 3:1 redundant transmit chains.

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