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[Satellite Today  07-03-07] ND SatCom received a contract from Internet Solutions of South Africa to set up a VSAT network, ND SatCom announced.
    Internet Solutions will use ND SatCom’s SkyWan platform to provide a network for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Pan-African trade association. COMESA will connect its offices throughout the continent to its headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia. The network will provide office Internet access, file transfer, phone, fax and email. ND SatCom also will provide engineering and training.
    “Internet Solutions provides VSAT, hosting, access, mobile, and Voice Over Internet Protocol solutions across the African continent and for more than 85 percent of South Africa’s listed companies, Dieter Dreizler, ND SatCom’s director of sales, said in a statement. “This project is a great opportunity for ND SatCom.”

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