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[Satellite Today – 4-10-08]  Wegener Corp.’s second quarter revenues for fiscal year 2008 increased by 40 percent, Wegener announced April 10.
    Revenues increased from $4.8 million in the second quarter of fiscal year 2007 to $6.7 million for the quarter ending Feb. 29. The company also reported net earnings of $336,000, compared to a net loss of $183,000 in 2007.
    “The second quarter was a strong quarter for us,” said Robert Placek, Chairman and CEO of Wegener Corporation in a statement. “The financial results were up in several key categories including revenues, net earnings and bookings. Close to 40 percent of our revenues for the quarter came from new products released within the past year and a half, such as the Unity 552 media receiver for private networks and the SMD 515 decoder for IPTV.”

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