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[Satellite Today – 4-10-08] Vizada and SatComms Australia have partnered to package Vizada’s IriTrack communications service to multinationals and government institutions operating in remote locations in Australia, Vizada announced April 10.   
    Iritrack, which was developed by TDCom, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vizada specializing in customized events communications solutions, is a lightweight device combining two-way voice and a tracking tool with global coverage. Communications are routed via Iridium’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellation of 66 satellites.
    Vizada and SatComms Australia provide IriTrack to multinationals and government institutions in Australia enabling them to comply with mandatory national requirements: all employees driving outside urban telecoms zones must be equipped with a satellite phone in case of emergency. It is also recommended that specific government and state organizations (fire service, military etc.) or dangerous convoys (mining trucks carrying explosives) should carry a tracking system.
    "We are very pleased to add IriTrack to our portfolio as it is the best solution on the market combining voice and tracking on a single and easy-to-install unit,” said Andrew Burdall, managing director of SatComms Australia in a statement. “Thanks to our strong partnership with Vizada we look forward to significant growth in the Australasian market throughout 2008 and into 2009.”

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