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[Satellite Today – 3-18-08] SES Astra said that more than 80 percent of the satellite TV households in Europe and North Africa are now digitalized, according to “SES Astra Satellite Monitor,” an annual research study released March 18.
    Of the 239 million analog and digital TV households counted across 35 countries in Europe and North Africa, nearly 100 million are digital. Of those households, 56.8 million are digital satellite households, and 41.1 million of these homes receive digital services directly from Astra or Sirius satellites.
    According to SES research, the combined satellite systems of SES Astra and SES Sirius serve 117.2 million analog and digital homes in Europe and North Africa, with 50.3 million of these homes receiving their signals directly from Astra or Sirius satellites. The remaining 66.9 million homes receive signals through a satellite feed to cable headends.

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