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[Satellite Today – 2-21-08] Verso Technologies Inc. and Advantech Satellite Networks have completed cellular backhaul interoperability tests, Verso announced Feb. 20.
    The companies integrated Advantech’s open standard DVB-RCS satellite platform and the Verso cellular optimized solution, which will allow operators to provide new services to remote regions where traditional backhaul technologies are not available today or not economically viable, Verso said.
    "Verso’s NetPerformer and AccessGate interoperated successfully with our DVB-RCS IP broadband platform, thus delivering a significant reduction in backhaul costs, a cost reduction that is crucial to the very success of cellular operators," Donald Osborne, president of Advantech, said in a statement. "The combination of optimized satellite bandwidth utilization and advanced quality of service features makes it easier for cellular operators to provide A-bis optimization solutions over IP broadband satellite resulting in a net increase in their revenue opportunities."

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