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[Satellite Today – 2-6-08] Bigelow Aerospace and Lockheed Martin are in talks to use Atlas 5 launch vehicles to supply crew and cargo to a Bigelow-built space complex, Bigelow announced Feb. 5.
    Bigelow Aerospace has launched two of its Genesis units that are designed to demonstrate the feasibility of its expandable space module technology. Based on the demonstrations, Bigelow is developing a larger complex that is intended to provide a low-cost, low-Earth orbit space station that is accessible to the private sector for commercial activities.
     "The Atlas 5 is ideal to provide commercial crew and cargo transportation for this pioneering commercial space venture," David Markham, president of Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, said in a statement. "Bigelow Aerospace possesses an unparalleled vision and entrepreneurial perspective that is crucial to truly opening the commercial space market to a larger segment of the population.”

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