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[Satellite Today – 1-29-08] Iridium Satellite is introducing a rebate program for North American customers switching from Globalstar to Iridium, the company announced Jan. 29.
    The “Trade-Up To Iridium” program targets government users, first responders, educational institutions and relief organizations that have purchased satellite phone service that may now be unreliable, Iridium said.
    “The goal of this program is to provide a painless and cost-effective way for users affected by the recently disclosed deterioration in Globalstar’s satellite network to take advantage of Iridium’s reliable network quality and global service,” Greg Ewert, executive vice president, Iridium Satellite, said in  a statement. “Satellite phone service is an important utility and, in many cases, a mission-critical lifeline for organizations operating in places where terrestrial and cellular networks are unavailable, overwhelmed or inadequate. Many subscribers are first responders and public safety organizations that cannot afford to take chances when lives are at stake. The Trade-Up to Iridium program ensures that participating public servants have uninterrupted access to dependable mobile satellite service to support their vital operations in any place at any time.”
    Global satellite communications provider Vizada also is  taking part in the program, offering North American customers a rebate on Globalstar equipment.

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