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[Satellite Today – 1-28-08] OmniGlobe Networks Inc. has received a contribution of  200,000 Canadian dollars ($199,000) from the National Research Council Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program to further develop satellite-cellular based infrastructure for delivering cellular phone services to remote regions of the globe, OmniGlobe announced Jan. 28.
    The contribution is OmniGlobe’s third in two years, and the council also will provide advisory services in the development of the project.
    “Modern communication technologies are essential in remote communities,” Jason Neale, CEO of OmniGlobe, said in a statement. “With the previous support, we were able to successfully develop our network and bandwidth management solution that allowed us to deliver cost-effective broadband Internet services in unserved areas. With this latest investment, we will go one step further, and extend our portfolio of services to include satellite-cellular communications.”

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