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[Satellite Today – 1-17-08] GAF AG subsidiary Euromap GmbH signed an agreement with Antrix Corp. Ltd. to expand Euromap’s participation in the Indian Remote Sensing satellite program, GAF AG announced Jan. 16.
    Under the terms of the three-year agreement with Antrix, the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organization, and Eotec, Euromap will have the exclusive European distribution rights for imagery of Europe and North Africa collected by India’s Cartosat-1 satellite.
    The agreement marks the continuation of a partnership launched in 1996 by Euromap, Antrix and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
    “We welcome Euromap’s expanded level of participation in the IRS program.” K.R. Sridhara Murthi, executive director of Antrix, said in a statement. “Cartosat-1 is an excellent mapping tool providing 2.5-meter stereo imagery which will serve the mapping and monitoring needs of Europe and Euromap’s customers most effectively. Euromap’s decision to participate in the Cartosat-1 program is a clear testimony to our long partnership which we hope to further expand in the coming years.”

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