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[Satellite Today – 1-15-08] Eutelsat Communications will provide its Tooway satellite broadband Ka-band service to Swisscom customers, Eutelsat announced Jan. 15.
     According to the agreement with Swisscom, Eutelsat’s service is the satellite component of a universal broadband program for all Swiss homes. Swisscom won a tender from the Swiss Ministry for Telecommunications to make broadband connectivity available to all residential Swiss customers.
    From its position at 13º East, Hot Bird 6 provides Swisscom with full coverage of Swiss territory. The service will be supplied to households via Bluewin, Swisscom’s Internet service provider. From its Zurich facilities, Bluewin will be connected by fiber to the Tooway network operations center managed by Eutelsat’s broadband affiliate Skylogic in Turin.

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